Thursday, February 25, 2016

Science Wednesday February 24, 2016

Hello All! I hope you are enjoying your Snow Day!!

Here is what we did during class on Wednesday:

-Guided Notes on the final parts of the Digestive System

-Lab that had to do with the small intestine

-Homework - finish the chart we started on Monday  (the bolded 4 at the end)

Have a great rest of your snow day! See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Lechner

Friday, February 19, 2016

Wed February 17, 2016 - Class work and New Behavior Plan.


This past Wednesday during science we did a few things....

First, we took a quiz on food and energy, which students will get back on Monday.

Second, we went over my new behavior management plan which I told the kids I would post here. A few things are changing which I'm sure you all want to know about.
                1. I am no longer doing notebook checks (I think students have reached the point in the
                    school year that they should understand their organizational skills. I still will be
                    completing my notebook if students want to keep up on that type of notebook).
                2. I want to see more participation, so I will be doing more "Cold Calling."
                3. I am no longer accepting late assignments after 4+ class days.

          ^^All of the above new "Behavior Plan" is listed and explained in the four pictures below. Parents or Students, PLEASE feel free to email me if you have any questions about the new Plan.

Lastly, since we have been talking about the Digestive System, we started looking over food pyramids and why they are helpful in picking our healthy diet.

On Monday we will be finishing up the digestive system process, and moving on to the other body systems throughout the next couple of weeks.

Hope you all have an amazing weekend, and remember this weekend was homework free!

Mrs. Lechner

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Wednesday Assignments!

Good Afternoon,

Sorry this is a day late! Wednesday during class we took the first half of the hour getting our notebooks organized and to complete missing assignments. I will post the notebook check on the next post. :)

Next we turned in our Homeostasis Review Sheet - so if this was not turned in (as I am missing a ton!) turn it in next class.

We next completed a food label lab where we graphed and charted total percentage of fat in certain snack foods:

Finally we finished up with our guided notes on the 6 nutrients, Carbs, Protein, Fats, Minerals, Vitamins, and Water. The guided notes are in the last post, but here is the second half of the guided notes:

Here it the food and energy review sheet:

1. Vitamin Worksheet: Pick 3 vitamins. Say the Daily recommended amount, source of vitamin and other functions of the vitamins.

2. Nutrients Review Sheet (Front Side Only) to STUDY for QUIZ on WEDNESDAY! We will have time in class to study, but you will need to study over the weekend.

Have a GREAT long weekend!

Mrs. Lechner

Monday, February 8, 2016


Good Morning all!

I hope you had a lovely week when I was away in Texas!  Last week Wednesday I had your sub start Digestion with you. You read in our online textbook and did some guided notes on Stress and Homeostasis.

Today we are covering the digestive system and explaining why the body needs food, and how the nutrients are being used by the body to help carry out essential processes.

We are starting off with returning our quizzes from last Monday, and working on a quick homeostasis review guide. Then we will be taking some guided notes on the Digestive system, and doing a food labels lab.

The homeostasis review sheet:

The Digestion guided notes look like this:

 Lab Sheets: 

Have a wonderful Monday, and see you all Wednesday!!

Mrs. Lechner